
The bridge I run is Biboumi and if I don't cover anything here, it's likely covered in the project's docs.

Configure the server

Before connecting to a room or chatting with a user, configure the IRC server by adding irc.example.com@irc.secluded.site to your contacts and interacting with it.

  • From Gajim, go to your roster, right click the contact, and click Execute Command then tap Configure a few settingsā€¦

  • From Cheogram, open a chat with that contact, hit the three vertical dots in the top right (the kebab menu), tap More options, then Refresh Feature Discovery. Head to the commands tab then tap Configure a few settingsā€¦

  • Fill in the necessary details, confirm, then continue on

Join rooms

Ensure the server is configured first, or there might be issues joining rooms. The JID format the bridge expects is


To join ##secluded on irc.libera.chat through irc.secluded.site, for example, you would join


Chat with users

Ensure the server is configured first, or there might be issues contacting users. The JID format the bridge expects is


To chat with amolith on irc.libera.chat through irc.secluded.site, for example, you would join
