Consultation with Chris Waldon
Stick with SQLite until and unless we need something from, say, PostgreSQL that SQLite just can't do. SQLite can scale to hundreds/thousands of users and should be more than “good enough” for now.
Be aware that, when running SQLite in memory for tests, operations that execute concurrent to other operations will create new, empty in-memory databases. Tests using an on-disk database, an in-memory database with that behaviour, or an in-memory database with the workaround described in the go-sqlite3 FAQ are all valid. It just depends on the context.
- has some good thoughts on SQLite
Example implementation: ~whereswaldon/tapestry | migrations.go
Maybe put the SQL scripts directly in the code rather than embedding files
Example tests: ~whereswaldon/tapestry | storage_test.go
Line 96 and after are not relevant to Willow
Use one column for the projects and a second column for the release notes, the release note button/link should un-hide (CSS) the associated release notes element. The two columns should scroll independently of each other.
Security considerations
Potential CSRF mitigation is a hidden form field with a generated token. Every POST request needs to include that generated token. This ensures the POST request is genuinely from our form, not from someone masquerading as our form.
Poke through OWASP for common web app vulnerabilities and consider how they might apply to Willow
Maybe look into automated webapp vulnerability tests? Something you point at an authenticated URL to check
Stateful forms
We currently persist state by keeping data in URL parameters. Implementing sessions could not only make the URLs cleaner, but also help solve #12. When creating the HTML template, fill a hidden form field with a generated token that the backend uses to keep track of the submitted data. If the user clicks their browser's back button and selects a different forge, the session cookie associates the new submission with the old submission that had different values.
At startup, spawn a goroutine to clean up expired sessions. It should last the lifetime of the app and wake up on a timer, similar to how fetching releases currently works.